Support for protests and the narratives they support
Part of a thread wherein the author argues that "We have these broad categories of good democratic things (like engagement) that we talk about in general terms when they align with our values, and ignore when they don't.":
And yet, would Christian teens marching for a pro-life agenda be equally celebrated by academics (or journalists) for their participation? Likely not. The problem is that we simply avoid questions of ends and values and speak in a generalized democratic discourse.
— Daniel Kreiss (@kreissdaniel) February 23, 2018
If you support abortion rights, when the gun-owning, 2nd Amendmnt culture hears “Gun Control” (b/c people die) they feel the same way you do when you hear “Pro-Life Legislation” (because a life is terminated). Tribalism isn’t working out so well, is it? We need better language.
— Anthony Bradley (@drantbradley) February 18, 2018